Monday, October 14, 2013


My sister is back! She has been in Florida for the last five months; and even though we don't see each other that often, I missed her dearly. There is something about at least being on the same side of the continent that is consoling. We have also become a lot closer in the last couple years. We are 2.5 years apart in age and fought a lot growing up. When we were younger, we were all we had because we lived out in the middle of no where so we had to be each other's friend. But as we got older, we started fighting a lot more; and I was too cool for little sister I think. But I am glad that we are way better friends now. In fact, I am anxiously hoping and awaiting for her to move up to Utah! She is thinking about going to esthetician or some sort of school up here and would live with Bobby and I for a while! I would love for that to happen as we have talked. I am really excited to have family close because it is something that I have really struggled with in the last few years. And then I would also then have a default friend that cant say no and has to do everything with me too! Exciting! Drink for sisters!

1 comment:

  1. Nice Tbear! I totally forgot that you had this blog. I love and miss you bunches.


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