Monday, October 28, 2013

So fasten your seatbelts, cause I'm gonna launch this vessel

You know those times when you just feel pretty happy and excited?
Yeah thats me about now.

Let's start with the weekend.
I was so productive yet had a great time.

First off.
I finished all my homework that I had set the goal to finish.
This rarely happens.
(Including my huge assignment!):

I wasn't sure if I would be able to finish by Tuesday but tada!

Bobby and I also had a nice weekend
We went out to dinner
Went and saw a movie
Did some clothes shopping for him.

It was just all around enjoyable!

And then tonight I tried out a new recipe that was super easy
(One pot tomato basil pasta)
It was pretty good
Bobby liked it which was a plus

I have an issue with cooking things and enjoying them
Like if I cook it, it is normally meh

So here's to the good times, tonight is mighty special

Monday, October 21, 2013

whirl of a weekend

Well, I had a crazy busy fun weekend. My mom and sister were here and we partied it up. As always. We always run run run and then are exhausted. They drove here from Colorado on Thursday night. They got here about 4 and then we went to a wedding for my mom's cousin. 
It was fun to see my mom's side of the family. We haven't been very close to them, so it was kind of overwhelming talked to so many people who know me but I dont really know them. Still fun to see everyone though. Also, ironically. We sat do for the wedding and pretty soon this couple come up and asks if these two seats are taken and it was Dr. Ostensen and his wife! I guess he is in the same ward as a bunch of my family and neighbors! It would have been even better if we were related but still funny.

 That night we went to Cafe Rio and then The Chocolate for dessert. We had another person take a picture of us but it is funny how those pictures never turn out or are really horrible
The next day was very fun filled. That morning Selby had a tour and interview at the Aveda Institute. And they showed us a good time! She was leaning towards another school, but after that tour she loved it! We got all of her application completed and she is on her way! I think she will fit in there really well. She wants to do hair, makeup, and costumes for film, plays, TV, things like that. And for being an applicant they gave us all facials! I was supposed to have class but ended up leaving early to join them! 

Since I left class, I had to go in that night and get caught up on some things. I have made a lot of bowl-ish forms! I need to work on perfecting it and on learning a new form

Then Saturday was awesome as well! Look at how cute Selby is! She cut off 13" of hair and donated it. And now she has this super cute cut. She got so many compliments. And the hair cut is extremely versatile. And she applied for a job as a front desk at the salon! We are crossing our fingers she gets it because she would do awesome there 

That evening we went up to Ikea and got some stuff for Selby's room here and shopped around. We also went to the Cheesecake Factory for some cheesecake. Yum. And then we shopped some more that night! 

Whew! It was a lot of fun! I didnt get very much done for sure. But it is always worth it to spend time with family. Sunday I slept all afternoon because I was so pooped. I just snuggled in bed with the kitties. And now I am stressing about homework. But that is okay because I would probably be stressing anyways ha. Here's to hoping Selby gets the job so she can move up here sooner! 

Monday, October 14, 2013


My sister is back! She has been in Florida for the last five months; and even though we don't see each other that often, I missed her dearly. There is something about at least being on the same side of the continent that is consoling. We have also become a lot closer in the last couple years. We are 2.5 years apart in age and fought a lot growing up. When we were younger, we were all we had because we lived out in the middle of no where so we had to be each other's friend. But as we got older, we started fighting a lot more; and I was too cool for little sister I think. But I am glad that we are way better friends now. In fact, I am anxiously hoping and awaiting for her to move up to Utah! She is thinking about going to esthetician or some sort of school up here and would live with Bobby and I for a while! I would love for that to happen as we have talked. I am really excited to have family close because it is something that I have really struggled with in the last few years. And then I would also then have a default friend that cant say no and has to do everything with me too! Exciting! Drink for sisters!

Monday, October 7, 2013

October Already?


I can't believe it is already October. I am getting so old. I am almost done with college! Registration for my last semester of class already starts the end of this month. And there are only so many options left for classes to take. I think the reason I want to be a teacher is because I have such a love for learning and school. I could be a student for life (minus the homework and tests). Take this ceramics class I am taking. As you can see I can make bowls (kinda). I can make a bowl form. It is not perfect and, by all means, I know I am making a lot of mistakes. But it makes me want to just stay in school and get a BFA. IT almost makes me question if I want to be an English teacher. And I have never doubted this! How can I doubt the things I have known and wanted my entire life?! It is too late for me to turn back on being a teacher! Perhaps it is just because of that moment in the semester when you just don't want to do anything... You just want to be done. Even though classes just started. I think I go through this every semester. Questioning myself. I think that is what keeps us hip and fresh though. Questioning life. And I think about it... what would I do if I didn't teach Engligh? ....teach art? I have a really strong belief that art and words are hand in hand.... that brings me back to being an English teacher. Perhaps all this questioning is just my anticipation to get on in life and be a teacher. Funny thing, I had that same anticipation in high school to get on to college. And now I see how simple high school was. Funny how that works. I am sure in a year and after I have had a hard day at school with kids misbehaving, I will thinking back to how simple it is to be in college taking classes and working at the cell phone office. Oh well. That's what a master's degree is for. Right?
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