Monday, September 9, 2013

Slice of Life

Back story. I am taking a writing class. English 423. Teaching Composition in Secondary Schools. Every Tuesday we have "Slice of Life" Tuesdays where we are supposed to either link up to a blog post or just write a little snippet about our lives. We have to do this at least 7 Tuesdays in the semester. I am going to try and do it every week.

Just some random thoughts:

I just did all of my homework, so all I can really think about it teaching haha. I need to write this when I don't have teaching on my mind. Not that that is a bad thing, but it can get boring to read about. The biggest thing is that I can't believe I am almost done with college and will be teaching this time next year. Crazy how time flies. 

I am taking a ceramics class. I mainly wanted it as a source of relaxation. It is proving to be more difficult than I had expected or worked up in my mind. And this stresses me out. I am a major stresser to so that doesn't help. I suppose I could switch the class out for something else, but this new add drop deadline makes things difficult. We only have one class period to decide if we like the class or not. I will keep the class. Hopefully I grow to like it more. I just need to figure out what I am going to make. That is my biggest dilemma currently. I tried throwing on the wheel and that is what started this stress. Oh well. I am going in on Wednesday to work on things more. I just need to make things and stop stressing. If I keep stressing over it, it is going against the whole reason I signed up for it. 

I want to change my hair somehow. I like my asymmetric thing I have going but am ready for something different. I don't know what that could be. 

This is Chi (also known as Ki). I got her this bed at a yard sale. Bobby hates it. I think it is fitting for her. She is a princess. 

My grandma gave me this mirror for our house. (Oh, yes. On the not of blog documenting things- we bought a house) She told me "Look into it together and tell each other you them. Makes a marriage happy every time." She is a sweet grandma but also a goofy one. Still glad I have gotten to spend more time with her recently

Chuck Palahniuk (and raw gritty novels of the such) is my guilty pleasure. Imagine my excitement when he was quoted and referenced in my teaching grammar textbook (Mechanically Inclined, Jeff Anderson)
I had a horrible wardrobe malfunction first day of classes. My shirt wouldn't stay button. So i rushed about and ended up in this polkadot beauty. $5 bookstore sale. I got lucky

Story: I sold a bunch of stuff on Facebook on those Provo For Sale groups. I do not like using Facebook as a means for selling things. People are just all to comfortable with being rude on there. Like I didnt respond soon enough for someone so she messaged me all hateful. And then a girl tried to tell me I lied and told her the lawn mower didnt have issues... I mean for $20 what would you expect when I said the lawn mower smoked! Ugh end rant. 

This is Luff. I like to call her my urban jungle meow. Because she hides in my clothes like a wild cat would in trees haha

I eat eggs now! This is a big feat because I havent ate plain eggs for 10 years? So now every morning I have a fried egg and Morningstar sausage patty. I just woke up and started eating them for some reason. Still haven't tried scrabbled eggs though 

This has been my go to meal. Fresh guac. So nom. 

I will end with this picture. While mom was in town this last weekend, we went to PF Changs. I was so excited this was my fortune! It is so fitting for me! I am now wishing I would have kept the actual paper though!

Alright. That is all for now. Look for more photo and word dumps. I have been sitting at my uncomfortable kitchen chair for too long now. I need to go do some yoga now.

For any of my new English teaching traffic: has anyone taken the TMA 457 Media in Contemporary Clssrm? What was it like? Would you suggest it?

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